Why are most fruits a LCHF Diet no no?

Why are most fruits a LCHF Diet no no?

What is the biggest thing you are missing having adopted the LCHF diet? Is fruit one of them? The truth of the matter is fruit is loaded with fructose. Fructose is sugar. Sugar equals carbohydrates. Jimmy Moore tells you more in this episode of the LCHF podcast.



Brad Brown: Welcome to this edition of the low carb healthy fat diet, Gloria got in touch today. We got Jimmy Moore in South Carolina on board to answer Gloria’s question. Jimmy hope you are well, great to have you on again. Gloria is following the low carb healthy fat diet, she’s doing it for weight loss, but she’s really struggling with the lack of eating fruit. What advice could you give to her? Obviously if you’re trying to keep your carbohydrate levels low because you want to lose weight. Fruit has obviously got a lot of, it is natural sugar, but a lot of sugar hidden inside.

Fruit is nature’s candy

Jimmy Moore: Right, one of the things we put in Keto Clarity is fruit is nature’s candy. When you look at fruit as candy, it no longer has that little health halo anymore. You just have to know, when you’re trying to be in a state of ketosis, eating low carb high fat, even the natural sugars in things like fruit, you really have to be careful with. Especially if you’re dealing with obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and those kinds of things. If you are very active, perhaps you can get away with a few more pieces of fruit than other people. Of course, when you do opt for fruit, try to find the lowest sugar ones, that tends to be the berries. Of course, don’t forget about avocado is also a fruit, not a sweet one, but it’s a nice fatty source of mono unsaturated fats. So definitely add that fruit to your diet before you would add any sugary ones. Keep in mind, a banana, 29 grams of sugar, you just don’t need it. BB: Without a doubt. Jimmy Moore, thank you very much. Gloria, I hope that helps, good luck on your journey. We look forward to catching up again soon here on the LCHF podcast. From myself, Brad Brown and Jimmy Moore, take care.

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