I am not exaggerating when I say that I get asked about the keto diet on a daily basis now. It probably is like being a nutritionist during the ‘Atkins Diet’ era. So, what is it, exactly?

Keto this and keto that. What does this new (and very popular) dietary craze mean? I am not exaggerating when I say that I get asked about the keto diet on a daily basis now. It probably is like being a nutritionist during the ‘Atkins Diet’ era. So, what is it, exactly?

It’s high fat and ultra low carb. It tells your body to burn fat for fuel. Yes, it actually reprograms your body to burn fat.

Sounds good, and sign you up?

Before you get too excited, I’ll tell you right now: It’s not for everyone.

But it works for some people. Perhaps it’s something you’ve considered?
Grab a cup of tea, and let me explain.

Ketogenic Diet 101

The ketogenic diet is a very low carb, very high-fat diet.

It has recently gained a lot of popularity in the wellness sphere because of some of its health benefits.

A ketogenic diet has been shown to help some people lose weight (yes, even with high fat). It can also help improve certain health conditions, like epilepsy in children.

Read on for some of the lowdown on how it reprograms your metabolism (for “ketosis”), and whether or not it’s something for you to consider.

What is “ketosis?”

Carbs (sugars & starches) are the preferred fuel for your brain and muscles. They use carbs first, whenever they’re available.

This is why maintaining stable blood sugar can affect your attention, mood, and energy level.

However, when very low amounts of carbs are available for fuel, your body starts making compounds known as “ketones.” These are your body’s “backup fuel.” And your body makes them from fat.

Ketogenic literally means “the generation of ketones.”

After awhile being on a diet very low in carbs, your blood level of ketones increases. This is the metabolic state known as "ketosis." It’s the same process that your body goes through if you’ve fasted for 72 hours and depleted your supply of carbs as fuel. That’s the trigger for turning fat into ketones.

Pro Tip: “Ketosis” from a ketogenic diet is not the same thing as the dangerous condition known as “ketoacidosis.”

Ketogenic diet for weight loss

With a high fat intake, it may be surprising to know that studies show that a ketogenic diet is effective for weight loss.

But it’s true!

It can also have better results than low-fat diets. At least one study showed that people lost 2.2 times more weight on a ketogenic diet than those on low-fat or calorie-controlled diets.

How is this possible?

Eating all that fat and protein is filling! It helps release satiety hormones that tell us that we’re full and satisfied, and we don’t need to eat anymore. Many people don’t need to count calories or track food intake, as they do with low-fat or calorie-controlled diets.

So, by eating enough fat and protein to go into “ketosis,” you can actually feel fuller and eat less food overall. Of course, this can help with weight loss.

Ketogenic diet for improved health

Some studies show other health benefits of the ketogenic diet.

As you can imagine, having very low levels of carbs can help reduce blood sugar and insulin issues.

One study showed improved blood triglycerides (fat) and cholesterol numbers. Others show lower blood sugar levels, and even up to 75% improvement in insulin sensitivity.

Several studies show reduced seizures in children who follow a ketogenic diet.

Changing your metabolism has widespread health effects. And this can be beneficial for some people.

How to do the ketogenic diet

Not everyone should go on a ketogenic diet. Make sure you speak with a trained healthcare practitioner before you try it. It can have side effects, including the infamous “keto flu.”

The ketogenic diet involves getting 60-75% of your calories from fat, 20-35% from protein, and just 5% from carbs. Many people find it quite restrictive and are unable to stay on it for a long time.

The foods to focus on for a ketogenic diet are meat, fatty fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, healthy oils, avocados, and low-carb vegetables (cucumber, celery, peppers, zucchini, leafy greens, etc.).

The main thing to avoid are foods that are high in carbs. These include sugary foods and desserts, grains, fruit, legumes, starchy vegetables, alcohol and “diet foods.”

And because of the limits on fruit and starchy vegetables, many people on the ketogenic diet need to take supplements. This is because, in addition to their sugar and starch, fruits and starchy veggies are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. So, if you’re cutting those foods out, you still need to give your body those nutrients. And often, it means needing supplements.


The ketogenic diet is very popular these days. It can be helpful for weight loss, and other health conditions.

It’s not for everyone, so make sure you check with a knowledgeable practitioner before you begin.

If you would like some professional help navigating through whether this is the appropriate choice for you, please feel free to call me for a no obligation discovery call to find out how I can help (416) 522-4475.

Layered chocolate peppermint fat bombs (Keto)

Serves 6

What you need:

½ cup coconut oil
melted1 tbsp granulated sweetener (xylitol )
¼ tsp peppermint extract
2 tbsp cocoa powder, unsweetened

What you do:

Mix the melted coconut oil with the sweetener and peppermint extract.

Pour half the mixture into six cubes of an ice cube tray. This is going to be the white bottom layer. Place the tray in the fridge to harden.

Add the cocoa powder to the remaining mixture and mix. This is going to be the top brown layer. Pour it on top of the white layer which has set in the fridge.

Place the ice cube tray into the fridge until completely hardened.

Serve & enjoy!

-Moderation is key-
If you are not going ‘full keto’ be very mindful of having too many of these.
Individual Serving = 1



-Stay tuned for upcoming Shift introductions

This whole week my friends at Coppa’s Fresh Markets invited me into their stores to talk to customers about healthier holiday dessert options. I helped customers find Coppa’s ‘Good For You’ options on the grocery shelves and discussed the many ways that small changes can make a big difference, even when it comes to DESSERTS!

We had ‘tasters’ of my Chocolate Cherry Balls for people to try and let me tell you, they were a hit.

Check your inbox on Monday for your complimentary copy of my holiday e-book ‘Healthy Holiday Desserts’ with 8 delectable sweet treats that will not skyrocket your blood sugar.

Better yet, if you live in the Toronto area, come and try these out yourself:

Saturday, December 16th – Coppa’s on Dufferin, North York,
11 am – 3 pm.
Sunday, December 17th – Coppa’s on Rutherford Rd in Vaughan,
11 am – 3 pm.


Wouldn’t it be great if you had a jump-start?

A guide to tell you what to do now to avoid holiday weight gain, and get started on feeling your sexiest and healthiest best?

I am launching my first D0-IT-YOURSELF Launch into Weight Loss Guide. Challenge yourself for 7 days and launch yourself into weight loss success.

The ShiftShape Skinny Black Dress Challenge will be available for purchase beginning next week. Hit "reply" to this email if you would like early access to this program which comes with:

This entire package will be affordably priced (under $30) so that you can get started on your own, right away.

There is no time like the present to start feeling better.

Bonnie Wisener
Registered Holistic Nutritionist
Shift Nutrition and Wellness
(416) 522-4475
[email protected]
fb: Shift Nutrition and Wellness – Bonnie Wisener
Instagram: Shift Nutrition and Wellness
Twitter: Bonnie Wisener @shiftnutrition

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