KETO in the NEWS!

Keto diet may increase memory, reduce mortality. Exciting news for humans — studies on mice have linked keto to improving memory as well as extending lifespan!

New Study Favors Fat Over Carbs. This article from the New York Times links to The Lancet study that found that a higher fat intake puts people at a lower risk of mortality in comparison to high carb diets. Not only that, but the study led researchers to reconsider antiquated guidelines about saturated fat!

Is Cancer Really Caused By Food? For decades, doctors and scientists have thought that it was chromosomal damage that caused cancer. It was widely also assumed that in addition to exposure to carcinogenic compounds, cancer was caused by genetic predisposition. But what if there was something far more innocuous that led to the development of cancerous tumors? What if it was simply a matter of eating the wrong things?…

The Skinny on Fats. Fats for years have been touted as a main contributor as to why people are overweight/obese…

Cancer patient’s life saved simply by cutting down on sugar. Cancer patient’s life saved simply by cutting down on sugar…

The Low-Carb Diet That Can Reverse Diabetes And Make Medication A Thing Of The Past. You see I’m at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes; it’s not because of my lifestyle or my dietary habits: I’m in danger because both my parents are Type 2 diabetics…

Why The High-Fat Low-Carb Diet Works! A talk University of Cape Town sports scientist Prof Tim Noakes gave recently at a Low Carb Downunder event in Melbourne, Australia, on his low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet. It sheds light on what makes him so incendiary to fellow academics, scientists, medical doctors and dietitians…

What Is a Ketogenic Diet and Can It Really Boost Brain Health? There’re so many diets and perhaps many of them have merit. Moderation is key and of course, our choices. It would seem obvious to most that eliminating junk or processed foods would be the simplest way to make sure you’re eating properly…

How Primal Gave Me Freedom from Depression, Pain, and Discomfort. I honestly never felt good growing up. I always had a stomachache and without fail was continually bloated. I have pictures around the age of 9 where you can tell I have something wrapped around my stomach…

‘Good’ Cholesterol May Not Be Heart-Healthy After All, Study Finds. The findings are surprising, since it was thought that boosting HDL levels in addition to lowering “bad” LDL was best for a healthy heart and plaque-free arteries. HDL, which stands for high-density lipoprotein, is a fat-carrying protein known to ferry cholesterol out of artery walls…

21 Hidden Sources of Carbs. Just because you’re avoiding pasta, bread, and rice, it doesn’t mean your diet isn’t carb-heavy…

Type 2 Diabetes Health Update: Low-Carb Diet Could Be The Secret To Lowering Insulin Resistance. Could a low-carb diet have more benefits than just weight loss? A new study from the University of Michigan has linked low-carb meals with lowered insulin resistance, which could potentially help those suffering from Type 2 diabetes…

Will a keto diet help you lose fat? Is weight loss on your wish list? Then the first thing that comes to your mind is ‘diet’. And we’re spoilt for choices when it comes to diet. The diet-regimes necessitate a high level of commitment, workouts, and cut down on your favorite food…

World gets friendlier for travelers on special diets. Healthy or vegetarian options on cruises and at hotels aren’t a novel concept nowadays. Green juices? Yes. Low-carb, vegan and gluten-free? No problem. What is new, however, is the unprecedented level with which both are catering to guests’ diets…

A change in diet could help stop your migraines. Heavy migraines can be debilitating, but a new study shows that a low-carb diet could be the answer to avoiding crushing headaches that come with them…

Low-Fat Diets and Heart Disease. Apart from jumping the gun on a “guilty” verdict, the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) has another big problem in its prosecution of scientist Prof Tim Noakes: all the evidence showing that low-fat diets increase the risk of heart disease…

Ketogenic Diets Do Not Compromise Performance. Very low carbohydrate ketogenic diets (VLCKD) are becoming an increasingly popular method for weight control worldwide. A recent study performed in Italy researched the effects that VLCKD had on sport performance. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of VLKC on explosive strength performance.

Memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s reversed for the first time. Since it was first described over 100 years ago, Alzheimer’s disease has been without an effective treatment…

Metabolic Advantage, Red Herrings, and the Battle of the Diets. The recent publication of the full text of Kevin Hall’s pilot study on ketogenic vs non-ketogenic weight-reduction diets has sparked a blog battle that doesn’t seem to have any end in sight. It gives reason, apparently, to discuss at least a couple points…

International experts to back up Noakes’s LCHF argument at hearing. Three international experts are expected to be called to testify during the hearing into Professor Tim Noakes’s conduct by the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA)…

Low-carb diet leads to 40% decreased in medication among type 2 diabetes patients. Researchers from my hometown Adelaide, Australia got 115 obese adults with type 2 diabetes were randomized to either the high-carb or low-carb diet…

Ketones, Repel Mosquitoes. Mark’s theorized that possibly that in ketosis, you’re exhaling less carbon dioxide than the people around you and this shields you from the mosquitoes’ attention, but I needed something more concrete than that theory…

Couple sheds 240 pounds in year. She knew then she had to change and asked that her husband, Kevin, would join her. She started researching diet options while still in Hot Springs…

The Ketogenic Diet: A Nonpharmacological Option for Refractory Epilepsy.Research has shown that 0.5–1% of the population suffers from epilepsy. The onset of seizures typically occurs early in life, with approximately 60% of cases beginning during childhood…

Britney Spears Weight Loss: Singer Credits Low Carb Diet and Yoga for Fitness.Britney Spears credits her weight loss to a low-carb diet and lots of yoga. If you’ve seen the “Queen of Pop” in her most recent performance at the 2016 MTV VMA’s, then you’d know that her body is super toned and trimmed…

Is Saturated Fat Bad? Low carb works great for weight loss and type 2 diabetes reversal. But won’t eating all that saturated fat clog your arteries and kill you? That’s what we used to be told – though lately even very conventional and mainstream experts have started to doubt it.

How Using Fat for Fuel Can Boost Athletic Performance. A few weeks back, I explored the potential benefits using fat as your primary fuel can have on cognitive function. While the strongest research centers on people dealing with age-related cognitive decline and other neurodegenerative diseases, and whether burning fat and ketones can boost cognitive function…

The Ketogenic Diet for Triathletes: Key Resources. For the triathlete interested in optimizing fat burning as well as a host of other potential health benefits, I think spending some time investigating what the diet is and how to do it correctly is worth it.

Healing Metabolism, How Much Fat, Keto IV, High Insulin, & Measuring Insulin Resistance. Will the body ever be able to handle more carbs and protein again after eating ketogenic for a period of time?

Food for Thought: Does the Ketogenic Diet Improve Thinking and Behavior? As school is now back in session for most children, the timing of a recent article from the Netherlands in Epilepsy and Behavior seems most opportune…

Cancer’s Ketogenic Kryptonite with Patricia Daly. Patricia Daly is a fully qualified nutritional therapist based in Dublin, Ireland. Following her cancer diagnosis, she left her corporate career and started studying nutrition, specializing in the area of Integrative Cancer Care…

Metabolic Dietary Approaches for Optimal Health. There’s emerging scientific evidence that a high-fat, low net carb, moderate protein diet is an ideal diet for most people. However, compliance tends to be low for a number of reasons…

Fixing Dad: One Family’s fight to beat type 2 diabetes. Watch the film for free, now.

An Unconventional Cardiologist Promotes a High-Fat Diet. Every morning, British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra stirs one tablespoon of butter and one tablespoon of coconut oil into his coffee.

In Depth Look At Ketogenic Diets And Ketosis. Establishing the metabolic state of ketosis even for a short period of time has many outstanding benefits.

Polycystic Ovaries Symptoms: Can a Ketogenic Diet Help? The disease polycystic ovarian syndrome “PCOS”, effects the way in which ovaries work. It is thought to affect millions of women around the world. PCOS is a…

Article: Man Given Months to Live with Brain Tumor Rejects Chemo for High-fat Ketogenic Diet – Doing Well 2 Years Later. Health Impact News Editor Comments The science behind the high-fat low-carb ketogenic diet has been around for years. It is a special diet originally developed at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1920s…

How To Dine Out Without Blowing Your Ketogenic Diet. You survived the dreaded keto-adaptation phase and now you enjoy limitless energy and mental clarity! Plus, your belly no longer looks like you’re carrying twins as you rise from the dinner table. You’re…

The Ketogenic Diet Low Carb Cheat Sheet. When people are new to the ketogenic diet, they often wonder what type of foods they should and could eat while making the changes they need to make. While I do have a food list for people on keto…

Could The Ketogenic Diet Be The Key to a Six Pack? What if we told you that you could burn fat around the clock? If we said that every time you nipped to the shop, ran for the Tube, or just sat at your desk kicking your heels you were burning fat? What…

The Difference Between The Ketogenic Diet and Atkins Diet. The basic principle of the Atkins diet is that a state of ketosis will help you burn your fat stores as energy. Many people, even those who are on low carbohydrate diets, don’t quite understand …

Cancer Victim Claims Quitting Carbs Is Why He’s Alive 2 Years After Refusing Chemo. Pablo Kelly, 27, of Devon, has stage 4 glioblastoma multiforme – a terminal brain tumour. He claims sticking to the high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet has kept him alive for two years without chemo.

Proof the Ketogenic Diet for Cancer can be a Real Solution. Multiple studies on mice have shown that this diet can dramatically slow and possibly reverse tumor growth, with in vitro research finding that, besides sugar deprivation, ketone bodies have direct anti tumor effects.

How the Ketogenic Diet Weakens Cancer Cells. Western cultures today enjoy a diet rich in the delicacies that our ancestors did not consume on a regular basis such as grain, sugar, and starch. Research continues to show that sugar is the main source of fuel which feeds cancer and contributes to an inflammatory environment. Sugar essentially increases the risk for cancer and disease.

Is Ketosis Safe and Does It Have Side Effects? Some people think that ketosis is extremely dangerous. However, they might be confusing ketosis with ketoacidosis, which is completely different. While ketoacidosis is a serious condition caused by…

Is a Ketogenic Diet Really More Effective for Fat Loss? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study last week to investigate claims that a ketogenic diet can facilitate greater fat loss than diets relatively higher in carbohydrate…

The Power of the Ketogenic Diet. “If medicine wants to focus on prevention, there’s no better tool than nutrition.” – Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine…

A Ketogenic Diet Combined with 6 Weeks of CrossFit. The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of a 6-week LCKD and CrossFit program on body composition and performance.

Cancer, Low-Carb Diets and Tumor Keto-Adaptation. Recently we had the good fortune to chat with Dr. Eugene Fine, professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and leader of the recharge pilot study looking at how low carb diets may be helpful…

A Ketogenic Diet For Adjuvant Cancer Therapy: History and Potential Mechanism.Although the mechanism by which ketogenic diets demonstrate anticancer effects when combined with standard radio-chemo-therapies has not been fully elucidated, preclinical results have demonstrated the safety and potential efficacy of using ketogenic diets in combination with radio-chemo-therapy to improve responses in murine cancer models. These preclinical studies have provided the impetus for extending the use of ketogenic diets into phase I clinical trials that are currently ongoing.

The Health Risks of Brewing Kombucha, and How to Do It Safely. Kombucha is a fermented tea that people enjoy for the taste, but also for probiotic benefits that can support healthier digestion. It’s so popular that many kombucha lovers go the homebrew route to customize their own. The problem, though, is that when brewed incorrectly it can be a serious food safety risk.

Ketone supplements may fight advanced cancer. Metabolic therapy, to be specific, ketogenic diet, is now used by some alternative oncologists to treat various cancers. In vitro studies indicate that ketones inhibit cancer cell proliferation and animal studies show that ketogenic diet can slow cancer progression.

Ketogenic diet, hyperbaric oxygen therapy boost cancer survival. Cancer cells have higher uptake of glcuose than knormal cells and use it as their energy source through a biochemical pathway called glycolysis – the fermentation process that produces low amonts of energy and large amounts of lactic acid. For that reason, it is believed that reduced intake of glucose or its precursor carbohydrates can slow the growth and progression of cancer and extend the survival of cancer patients.

Why your diet should include more fat. These days, experts tout fat as a must-have macro and full-fat products, like whole milk, avocado, ghee and coconut oil, join the ranks of superfoods.

Weight Loss By Ketogenic Dieting Is Gaining Popularity: Atkins Diet Is Back With A Bang. Ever since Kim Kardashian, celebrity spokesmodel, revealed that she lost the post-baby weight by following the low-carb Atkins diet, ketogenic dieting started trending among fitness freaks, models and even body builders.

Obesity, Fatty Foods, Death and Science. Something is killing us — beyond the fact that life itself is a terminal condition.

5 myths about fats!!! During the ’80s and’ 90s sound was considered everything a declaration has “low fat”. Butter, eggs, fatty cheeses topped the list of “avoided”, a sugar, tests and carbohydrates did not complained. But the times have changed.

You Asked: Should I Try the Ketogenic Diet? Don’t let its fancy name fool you. A ketogenic diet is, essentially, a low-carb, high-fat diet.

“So Happy to Know That All I Have Done for the Last Year not Only Worked, It Worked Well.” Amy attempted to get her diabetes and weight under control with the Atkins diet, but got very tired of being constantly hungry and feeling poorly so she decided to give up.

Everything You Need To Know About The ‘Paleolithic Diet’ And How It Can Beat Multiple Sclerosis: Is It The Final Answer? As we do not fully understand the nature of Multiple Sclerosis and what might have really caused its emergence, some experts believe that the said disease is actually a number of different yet related diseases. The definite cure for Multiple Sclerosis is yet to be officially considered, however, a new study has shown that a modified Paleolithic diet have actually reduced the fatigue of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and has reportedly improved the quality of life. The researchers of the study claims that the diet may potentially reduce inflammation by increasing vitamin K levels.

10 APPS TO GET YOU FIT. If one of your many new year’s resolutions is to shed a few pounds or to switch to a much healthier lifestyle, these apps are sure to help you start the long journey.

Why Ketosis: A Lesson on Fueling the Body. Being in ketosis, or following a ketogenic nutrition protocol, enables a person to produce ketone bodies as a primary source of energy. Most people eat carbohydrates, making glucose the body’s primary energy source. If you are fueled primarily by ketone bodies, however, then your primary energy source is produced from fatty acids, either from fats eaten in your diet or from your own body fat.

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Cured? The answer is yes and no. Many factors are involved, but there is definitely hope when it comes to dealing with Type 2 Diabetes.

It’s time to get over our fear of dietary fat. When it comes to dietary fat, what matters most is the type of fat you eat. Contrary to past advice to eat a low-fat diet – which unfortunately contributed to overconsumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates – newer research suggests that certain types of fat are beneficial and necessary for health. is a news aggregation service that brings you best of world articles to you for your consumption.

Author: January 19
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