How to start a LCHF diet

How to start a LCHF diet

Many people would like to know how to start a LCHF diet.

LCHF Diets can vary in different ways, is it a low carb or a keto diet, and people often do not know what to eat.

For one thing, everybody has his/her own diet, which is our way of living. But for those people who are looking for a way to stay healthy or lose weight, there is the LCHF diet.

Also known as a high-fat diet or a ketogenic diet, often used it’s for children that are experiencing epilepsy but is gaining popularity due to its increasingly noted health benefits.

We will take a look at different foods you can include in your LCHF diet food list.

Low carb high fat should not be seen as a diet but as a lifestyle. It can be equally enjoyable for people who have no need to lose weight as for people who do.

You can get all the nutrition you need from a ketogenic diet menu and much much more, furthermore, it doesn’t need to be hard whatsoever.

To begin with, you have to overcome your concern of missing carbs and your fear of fats.

For most people, the part of the meal most enjoyed is protein and fats, e.g. a tender chicken fillet, delicious smoked salmon.

The pasta or rice is there to fill your plate and provide the carbohydrates macronutrient.

Using a spiralizer, you can simply replace the rice with a side of mixed greens salad or the pasta with spiralized zucchini, and you’re on your way to carb reduction.

Learn to enjoy higher fat meals without looking too much into calorie counting. You will naturally eat less food and experience fullness faster.

As with all calorie controlled diets, you will likely gain the weight, and then more once normal eating resumes.

Therefore you must look at keto dieting as a lifestyle, not a short-term diet.

Optimal LCHF Macronutrients Ratio

Everybody knows that starting a new LCHF diet is not an easy thing to do, especially if you’re going to change your body’s metabolism.

A Ketogenic diet requires you to eat adequate protein, high in fat and low in carbohydrate foods so that the body will burn fat instead of carbohydrates.

Getting your macronutrients correct to provide energy for your body can take some practice especially if new to low carb high-fat dieting. Optimal levels to aim for are at least 70% fats, 25% protein and 5% carbs.

The #1 worst type of vegetable to avoid that makes you fat
The Number 1 worst vegetable to avoid (which makes you fat)

If you’re one of those people who are interested in beginning a keto diet, then it’s important that you know what to eat on a ketogenic diet.

Ensure you buy the right products in your local grocery store, prepare and cook the right meals for your new high diet to be successful for achieving ketosis.

You need to learn which staple foods to eat and clear all the rest out from your fridge and cupboards.

However, if you live with others who are not looking to change their eating lifestyle, or have children, then LCHF dieting may be more challenging.

I myself started slowly and built up my tolerance for high-fat foods as opposed to the cold turkey approach. Once the body started using ketones for fuel, it was much easier for me maintain ketosis.

What to eat on LCHF Diet?

Here is a simple small list for quick reading of ketogenic diet foods to savor every day.

Compact LCHF Diet Food List

Here are some typical keto foods to eat on a low carb high-fat diet.

All Berries Shellfish Vinegar’s
Lemons Limes Stevia
Oils e.g. coconut oil, olive oil Avocado Nut milks
Meat Nuts and Seeds Mustard
Fats e.g. butter, ghee, Fish Eggs
Nut butters Teas Coconut
Organ Meat Herbs and Spices Bone Broth
Non-Starchy Vegetables Coffee Olives

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How to start LCHF diet food list #lowcarb #keto #LCHF #lowcarbalpha
What to eat on a ketogenic diet, LCHF food list

Fats and Oils

On a low carb high fat diet, fats will obviously be the most important part, and the bulk of your daily calorie intake will come from it.

You’ll get your energy so choosing the right type of fats is critical to your success. One of our favorites has to be coconut oil.

The taste is great, it’s easy to incorporate into recipes and super easy to carry around.

It’s important to get a balance between Omega-3’s and Omega-6’s since it’s also crucial for your diet.

If you’re not a fan of eating fish, then you can take fish oil supplements such as krill oil that will cover the lack of oil in your body.

Monounsaturated and saturated fats are the best ones to eat.

Always avoid hydrogenated fats like margarine because this can definitely ruin your ketogenic diet foods.

Studies link it to a higher chance of coronary heart disease. If you’re using vegetable oils choose the cold pressed options if available.

You can mix and add fats and oils in various ways to your meals.

Since it’s the main component of LCHF dieting, look to cook with, sprinkle over your salads or consume in beverages.

Coconut Oil Tallow
Walnut Oil Red Palm Oil
Coconut Butter Sesame Oil
MCT Oil Extra virgin olive oil
Olive Oil Ghee
Lard Grass-fed Butter
Coconut Flesh Duck Fat
Butter Macadamia Oil
Avocado Oil Cocoa Butter
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Always try to choose healthy foods that are free-range eggs, grass-fed or organic to minimize your bacteria and steroid hormone intake. Fishes should be caught wild like mackerel, catfish, etc.

Bacon and sausage may be just fine but can contain mycotoxins, hidden MSG, or both. Avoid processed meats if possible but enjoy it occasionally if needed.

It’s’ easy to overindulge in foods high in protein while following a high-fat diet.

I prefer to eat free range eggs and fresh fish in small portions 2-3 times a day.

This way I easily hit my daily macro target of around 100g protein.


Bison Rabbit
Pork Pheasant
Lamb Ground Pork
Chicken Veal
Turkey Goat
Ground Turkey Ground Beef
Beef Duck

Cured & Premade Meats

Deli meat Pepperoni Salami
Hot dogs Bacon Sausages
Pastrami Prosciutto Ham

Organ Meat

Liver Kidneys Heart
Tongue Bone marrow Joints


Sardines Shark Sole
Anchovies Mackerel Mahi-Mahi
Haddock Eel Shrimp
Flounder Salmon Trout
Bass Seabass Scallops
Tuna Halibut Herring
Hake Skate Plaice
Tilapia Cod Rockfish
Red Snapper Pollock


Clams Squid Prawns
Caviar Abalone Lobster
Crab Scallops Crayfish
Shrimp Oysters Mussels


Organic vegetables are going to be the best for fewer pesticide residues, but ordinary vegetables are fine to buy if you’re attempting to save money.

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Either organic and non-organic will have similar nutritional values. Buy what is is the season for the best flavor.

Don’t purchase soft vegetables or those with brown spots as they can contain more toxins than normal.

I prefer to mainly eat vegetables that are leafy green and those that are grown above the ground.

Kale, spinach, and broccoli fall into this section and some of the healthiest to eat on a low carb high-fat diet.

Frozen veggies can sometimes be fresher than fresh vegetables since they’re frozen before they have time decompose on a shop shelf.

You deserve the best nutrition for your body so certainly don’t buy canned, dried, or preserved veg.

Eating enough vegetables will also reduce the need to take supplements.

Kale Asparagus Onions
Garlic Swiss Chard Kimchi
Zucchini Cucumber Seaweed
Artichokes Rhubarb Dandelion Greens
Leeks Romaine Lettuce Brussels Sprouts
Fennel Shallots Tomatoes
Collards Leafy Greens Lettuce
Chives Okra Peppers
Spaghetti Squash Radishes Scallion
Bok Choy Cauliflower Aubergine
Mushrooms Celery Spinach
Pumpkin Sauerkraut Mustard Greens
Cabbage Chicory Greens Carrots
Parsley Chard Bell Peppers
Watercress Arugula Cilantro

Dairy Products

Dairy can be inflammatory for some people and if that’s the case avoiding it altogether is best. Ghee is a good option for lower anti-inflammatory effects.

Check if you tolerate it by eliminating it from your diet for a period then reintroducing it.

Organic and raw milk will be the perfect choices for your ketogenic diet.

Always choose full fat over free-fat and low fat. You can shop for cottage cheese, heavy whipping cream, sour cream, and both hard and soft cheese.

I mainly stick with free-range eggs, grass-fed butter, a little bit of cheese and use full-fat milk for making kefir.

Be careful not to overeat since it can be pretty easy to do so once you open that tub of greek yogurt.

Butter Eggs
Heavy Cream Cheeses (Full fat)
Whipping Cream Greek Yogurt
Milk Kefir

Nuts & Seeds

You should always roast your chosen nuts and seeds so that it’ll remove all the anti-nutrients.

Your best bet is to buy nuts in the shell for the least amount of toxins. Avoid peanuts and peanut butter since calories and net carbs stack up super quick.

Your best bet is almonds, macadamias, walnuts, pistachios, and cashews for healthy fats.

I tend to use a variety of nuts and seeds and incorporate them into keto recipes and snacks.

Small portions are the way to go here as carb content can add up.

Flax seeds Sunflower seeds Cashews
Pine Nuts Sesame seeds Hemp seeds
Almonds Pumpkin seeds Pecans
Walnuts Pistachios Hazelnuts
Macadamia Nuts Chia seeds Brazil nuts
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A low carb high fat diet has a natural diuretic effect, so dehydration is normal for most people starting out on a keto diet.

If you suffered previously with urinary tract infections or bladder pain, you must be prepared to drink more water.

It’s significantly important to keep hydrated on a ketogenic diet.

Drink liquids (preferably water) day and night at regular intervals to help flush toxins out of the body.

Drink more than the recommended eight glasses of water every day. Herbal tea and coffee are also good for a LCHF diet.

Liquid sweeteners such as stevia are also great to minimize cravings. I often put a few drops in my bulletproof coffee.

Lime Juice Broth Lemon Juice
Water Green Tea Herbal Tea
Sparkling Mineral Water Bouillon Coffee
Cashew Milk Black Tea Coconut Milk
Almond Milk Water Kefir Milk Kefir


Basically, if you are trying to lose weight, then it’s a good idea to avoid fruit.

Following LCHF pretty much cancels out the majority of fruits you’ve been eating all your life.

Consume in moderation with the reservation of avocados, olives, lemon, and lime.

Blackberry Avocado Blueberry
Lime Raspberry Strawberry
Cranberry Lemon Olive
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Herbs & Spices

Herbs and spices provide much-needed flavor and are essential for keto recipes.

Use them to liven up bland meals, doubly important when your limiting carbohydrates.

Check the ingredient to avoid added salt, sugar, or MSG especially in all-purpose seasonings.

I like to sprinkle various seasoning on meals such as parsley, garlic powder or a pinch cayenne pepper.

There are hundreds of herbs and spices and everyone’s taste buds are different.

Experiment with different seasonings to find what works for you.

Parsley Allspice Turmeric
Cloves Thyme Rosemary
Sage Oregano Cayenne Pepper
Cilantro Cinnamon Italian Seasoning
Lavender Chilli pepper

Other Keto Foods to Enjoy

There are many other foods you can enjoy on an LCHF diet plan.

Top your food with a dollop of mayo or salad dressings, always using full fat, no low-fat varieties.

Use coconut or almond flour in recipes or consuming apple cider vinegar.

Almond Meal Vinegars Pickles
Fish Oils Mayonnaise Cocoa Powder
Stevia Coconut Flour Almond Flour
Erythritol Salad Dressings Xylitol
(Full Fat)

Cheat Days

A low carb high-fat lifestyle usually has less or reduced cravings between meals.

If hunger strikes, check if you’re not thirsty since you need more fluids on a keto diet.

Having appropriate snacks is crucial such as a handful of mixed nuts, an avocado or protein bars to nibble on.

Having a day where you refeed carbs may be an idea if you regularly get intense carb cravings.

A cheat day, similar to a cyclical ketogenic diet may be a day when you eat a much higher amount of carbs and reduce your fats.

It can be useful if you participate in heavy, intense workouts, bodybuilding or weight lifting.

Doing this delays keto-adaptation depending on activity levels but can be a valuable tool if done correctly.

The best rule here is to eat natural foods high in vitamins and minerals. The last thing your body needs is candy, biscuits, and cakes, etc. Sweet potatoes, beans, high glycemic fruits contain the nutrition your body may be craving.

LCHF Foods to avoid

Breakfast Cereals(all sorts) Bread of all kinds Beer, Cider, and Liqueur
Spaghetti Low Fat Yogurts Chocolate
Pasta Cakes Pastries
Corn Dried fruit Fruit juice
Potato Crackers Rice
Jam and other preserves Biscuits Cookies
Sweetened Yoghurts Beans and Legumes Noodles
Sugar((all kinds) (honey, agave, blackstrap molasses) Lollies

Hopefully, this LCHF diet food list has been helpful. We are trying to make following a keto lifestyle simpler so as many people can benefit as possible.

It’s a long-term choice to fuel your body with fats instead of carbs and sugars.

If you’ve never tried a high-fat diet before then it’s certainly worth a shot.

Now you have a better understanding of what to eat on a ketogenic diet, let us know in the comments if we missed anything, what your favorite keto foods are or if you have any questions for us. is a news aggregation service that brings you best of world articles to you for your consumption.

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